Last translation projects

24/7 Human Support
1 Year Guarantee
95,000 Business Customers
Multilingual Medical Translation Services

December 16, 2013

A new client recently approached Tomedes, asking us to translate one of her company�'s medical documents from English into French and Spanish.

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Financial Translation Services by our Skilled German Translators

December 13, 2013

A regular client needed a spreadsheet translated from English to Italian and German this week. Tomedes provided this multilingual translation service.

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Business Translation Services by our Experienced Dutch Translators

December 09, 2013

The recent translation of a tender document from Dutch to English for an IT company was an intensive job for Tomedes.

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Russian Translation Services by our Skilled Financial Translators

December 09, 2013

English to Russian is a popular translation request for Tomedes, and recently one of our regular clients asked us to work on the translation of a brief financial document for them.

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Business Translation Services by our German Translators

December 06, 2013

A long-term client recently asked us to translate a business development document from German to English for him.

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Hebrew Translation Services by our Expert Financial Translators

December 06, 2013

Tomedes was recently asked by a regular client to translate a batch of company financial statements from English into Hebrew.

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Hebrew Medical Translation Services by our Professional Translators

December 04, 2013

A new client approached us recently as he needed a medical document translation from Hebrew into English.

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Business Translation Services by Tomedes' Network of Expert Translators

December 01, 2013

Recently we were approached in order to translate a sales training kit for a corporate client. The company needed to deliver a training programme to its staff in six countries.

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Technical Translation services by our Network of Professionals

November 27, 2013

An engineering department approached us recently for the translation of a 3,000 word text from Russian to English.

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Finnish Translation Services

November 24, 2013

A new client approached us recently with two legal documents pertaining to her business, each was around 2,000 words.

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