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December 09, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

English to Russian is a popular translation request for Tomedes, and recently one of our regular clients asked us to work on the translation of a brief financial document for them. The document, which was just under 1,500 words in length, was destined to land on the desks of finance professionals across Russia, so a word-perfect, context-specific translation was essential. 

We selected our best Russian translator for the job, a former bank employee based in Moscow. His financial experience and linguistic expertise meant that he was able to provide the client with a high quality translation in record time

The client was impressed not only with the efficiency of the job and the excellent translation, but also with the low rate that she was charged. At Tomedes we always ensure that our clients receive the best possible rates for every translation job that we undertake. 

We’ve found that by charging reasonable rates for our top quality service, our clients come back to us time and again. This financial client was no exception. Within 24 hours of us sending her the completed Russian translation, she had assigned two further documents to us, again for translation into Russian. We sent them straight on to the same translator, ready to impress the client once again with our expert service


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