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December 06, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

Tomedes was recently asked by a regular client to translate a batch of company financial statements from English into Hebrew. Translating detailed financial documents is a skilled task that requires the utmost concentration and accuracy. At Tomedes, we pride ourselves on approaching all of our jobs with this mindset, meaning that our customers receive on the highest quality translations from our global team. 

Our professional translators are located around the world, meaning we can turn our hand to translating almost any language, any time. Translating to and from Hebrew is a popular request, so we maintain a core team who are highly skilled. For this job, we chose a translator from Beersheba who has been working with us for a number of years. Having taken early retirement from his role as an accountant, he didn’t enjoy the lack of activity that retirement brought, so instead became a professional translator. His career background makes him the perfect person when it comes to translating complex financial documents

We originally quoted a nine day turnaround time to the client for this work, which involved the translation of pages of text split across a 30 page document. The client advised that she needed the translated document for a meeting just seven days later, so we pulled out all the stops and got to work immediately. 

Our translator worked with his usual level of diligence and accuracy, while another member of our team worked within him to quality assure the translation. Just seven days later we delivered the finished product, much to the client’s satisfaction. Another happy customer

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