Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Albanian to English video translation

April 29, 2018

A client sought out the Tomedes professional translation service to help translate his video from Albanian to English.

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Arabic to English audio file translation

April 25, 2018

A recent client asked the Tomedes professional translation team to convert his audio file from Arabic to English, including a full transcription.

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English to Spanish technical translation

April 22, 2018

Recently, a new client asked Tomedes to help him with a technical translation from English to Spanish.

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English to Thai video game translation

April 18, 2018

A recent Tomedes client sought to make his video game available overseas by using our Thai translation service

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Greek to English literary translation

April 15, 2018

Our Greek to English literary translator recently took on a project for a Tomedes client.

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English to French business document translation

April 11, 2018

Tomedes' latest business translation was on behalf of a US-based client who needed a batch of documents translated into French.

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Japanese to English medical translation

April 08, 2018

A recent client engaged Tomedes to translate her medical paperwork from Japanese to English when she moved overseas.

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German to English legal document translation

April 04, 2018

A recent client requested German to English translation for a batch of legal documents, in relation to a real estate matter.

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English to Hebrew real estate translation

April 01, 2018

Recently, Tomedes worked with a client who needed English to Hebrew translation in relation to a real estate purchase.

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English to Chinese medical translation

March 28, 2018

A new client contacted Tomedes and asked to use our Chinese translation service for a set of medical documents that he could carry with him in China.

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