Professional Video Game Translation

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Professional Video Game Translation

April 18, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

With the evolution of technology, gaming has exploded in popularity around the world. From classic console gaming to online worlds and phone apps, gaming is more available and more widespread than ever before. Video game translation plays a core role in this huge global industry, which is on track to be worth USD 90 million by 2020. 

A recent Tomedes client sought to establish his presence within the global gaming community by making the game he had helped to develop available overseas. He was starting out by targeting Thai speakers and thus asked Tomedes to translate the game from English to Thai. 

With 20 million native Thai speakers and 44 million second language speakers, the Thai language version of the game would have a vast potential audience. The client wanted to ensure that the Thai translation lived up to the same high standards as the game’s original dialogue – hence him engaging a professional translation agency to undertake the work. 

At Tomedes our network of professional translators spans the globe. As such, we had the perfect Thai translator on hand to work on this client’s video game translation. She was experienced at translating games for a range of platforms and available to start work immediately. We always seek to pair our translators’ experience with the job at hand in this way, to ensure the best and most accurate translation possible. 

The client was delighted with the speed of service he received from Tomedes, as well as with the excellent translation cost for this job. He was also pleased with the quality of the translation, which more than lived up to his expectations and which has allowed him to begin marketing his game overseas. Another very happy customer! 

If you have a game that needs translating, Tomedes can help. We can also help with a wide range of other translations, from financial paperwork to marketing materials. Contact us today to find out more.

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