Albanian to English video translation

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Albanian to English video translation

April 29, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

Sometimes, achieving your dream means thinking outside the box and having the courage to take a chance. These concepts are well known to a recent Tomedes client, who had his sights set on becoming an internet sensation. He had recorded a series of daring stunt videos in his native Albanian, but wanted to reach out to a wider audience by presenting the videos in English. As his English language skills were not up to the task, he sought out Tomedes to take advantage of our video translation service. 

Our video translation team offers expert skills in the transcription, timestamping and translation of video files covering all manner of topics. From medical procedure demonstrations to legal seminars to promotional films, Tomedes has the right translators available at the right time. It’s part of our commitment to covering as many language pairings and as many subject specialisms as possible. 

This client first approached us via our website’s live chat function. He was able to establish quickly that Tomedes had the video translation and language skills to provide him with an accurate and professional translation

Our translator certainly didn’t disappoint! She produced a flawless transcription of the video, with time stamping in place to ensure that the English version could be paired perfectly with the visual portions of the video, even though the client himself did not speak much English. 

The client was delighted. The English video transcription gave him precisely what he needed in order to deliver an English-language version of his videos. While he hasn’t quite yet become a globally known internet star, he is delighted that he has taken a step closer by making his videos available to English speakers around the globe. 

Whatever your translation need might be, Tomedes can help. Speak to our professional translation team today to find out more. 

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