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Resume and CV Translation by our Expert Translators

January 07, 2013

Why professional resume translation service is essential when seeking international employment

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Japanese Technical Translation Services

January 03, 2013

If any layman was to look at the content of this Japanese to English translation, even after its English translation was provided, he would understand very little about it, if anything at all.

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Technical Translation Services by our Expert Hungarian Translators

December 22, 2012

We provided technical professional Hungarian translation for a Fortune 500 company, which were messages applied to electronic and security monitoring systems.

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December 18, 2012

The court translation scandal in the United Kingdom is hardly new news. But the upheavel does get more interesting everday.

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December 18, 2012

Iranian translator, theater critic and writer, Jahed Jahanshahi passed away on December 15 in the city of Tehran at the age of 66 years old. The scholar's widow confirmed reports that he died due to cardiac arrest. He passed away while the couple was walking along the mountains of northern Tehran.

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December 18, 2012

The Man Booker Prize has long been recognized as the cream of the crop for fiction prizes. But their status is now being challenged by The Literature Prize. The Literature Prize was announced this week and is aimed at recognizing writers with "finer tastes".

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December 18, 2012

While it may sound a bit like an internet hoax, the US House of Representatives recently voted to remove the Word 'Lunatic' from various sections of the federal law. Meanwhile, the word 'idiot' was allowed to stay. The vote ended up nearly unanimous, with only one vote 'no' from Texas Republican

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PR and Marketing Translation Services

December 17, 2012

Professional Arabic translation of a PR campaign for a non-profit cancer organization.

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Italian Technical Translation Services

December 17, 2012

A professional Italian translation of weight loss and nutrition product labels.

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Hebrew Translation Services

December 09, 2012

A look at a recent legal translation from English to Hebrew, and what legal translation requires from translators

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