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German Business Translation Services

February 24, 2013

English to German translation of a business correspondence document between business partners in the UK and Germany.

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Legal Translation Services by our Professional Russian Translators

February 04, 2013

English to Russian translation of a legal agreement between a company and a company finder.

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Business Translation Services by our Professional Translators

February 03, 2013

English to Russian translation of a business report on fiscal matters, sales, profits and other chain store business matters.

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Greek and Latin Translation services

January 27, 2013

Literary translation of an excerpt from old Greek and Latin literary sources.

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Financial Translation Services by our Greek Translators

January 27, 2013

A professional Greek translation of a financial agreement.

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TextBook Translation Services

January 21, 2013

French to English translation of a history textbook excerpt.

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App localization Services by our Network Translators

January 21, 2013

Nowadays, mobile tech and mobile app translation services extend to all languages and brands

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Business Translation Services by our Japanese Translators

January 15, 2013

English to Japanese translation of break-down of Congressional changes to corporate fiscal and economic environments.

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French Military Translation Services

January 15, 2013

Professional French translation of military training manual

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January 07, 2013

An English to Russian translation of brochure requirements and content

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