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Korean Book Translation Services

May 21, 2013

The team of Korean translators at Tomedes is skilled and expert in doing all kinds of Korean translations.

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Legal Translation Serivces

May 17, 2013

Turkish translation requests are more common than most people realize. Our Turkish translators are busy with new translation projects every week

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Marketing Translation Services

May 16, 2013

The Tomedes translators receive requests to translate business websites and other business materials on nearly a daily basis.

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Legal Translation Services

May 14, 2013

Prenuptial agreements are one of those tricky legal documents that could turn into a big legal mess if they're translated incorrectly.

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German to Spanish Translation of Legal Documents

May 11, 2013

The Tomedes team is not only skilled at translating many languages into English but also into other common and not-so-common languages. This past April, the Tomedes team of translators faced the task of translating some German legal documents into Spanish.

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Translation Services by our Professional Business Translators

May 11, 2013

The translators are Tomedes are old pros at translating marketing materials for businesses and corporations of all sizes.

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Immigration Document Translation

May 08, 2013

Immigration paperwork is one of those translation projects that can be tough if you don't choose the right translator.

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Proofreading Services

May 07, 2013

For graduate students, the thesis paper is one of the most important assignments of their college career, as they spend several years leading up to that point. Recently, we helped a native French speaker proofread his English thesis paper to ensure the correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and terminology was used throughout the thesis.

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Financial Translation by our Professional Translators

May 07, 2013

Tax documents are one of those important documents you don't want to be mistranslated, this could lead to errors on tax forms

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Legal Translation Services

May 03, 2013

Estate planning is one of those necessary responsibilities of life that can be a pain in the neck to begin with. But it can be even more difficult without a translator or with a translator who doesn't know what he or she is doing.

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