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French Translation Services by our Expert Technical Translators

September 23, 2015

Document translation for electronic devices is a detailed task requiring impressive accuracy, which is just what Tomedes specialises in

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Company Brochure Translation Services

September 20, 2015

International tourism is a huge market and no country can afford to ignore the need to reach out to tourists in their own language

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Best Quality Italian Business Translation Services

September 20, 2015

Business document translation into multiple languages is an essential tool for the modern company, especially if you are on the telecommunication industry

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Certificate Translation Services by our Expert Legal Translators

September 04, 2015

The client and his family recently emigrated, and they required their marriage certificate to be translated into Mexican Spanish

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Portuguese Translation Services

September 03, 2015

A company was planning to launch a new healthcare product in Brazil, and they required a professional translator to localize their marketing copy

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Fast and Accurate Italian Translation Services

September 02, 2015

We were contacted by a customer who required a legal translation, and she knew from experience that our professional translators were up to to the job

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Fast and Accurate Document Translation Services

August 31, 2015

We were recently contacted by a government department, who requested that we help them provide an accurate translation of a safety report

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Hebrew to English Biography Translation

August 28, 2015

The client represented his grandfather, who had just finished compiling his memoirs in Hebrew that needs to be translated to english.

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Japanese Game and App Localization Services

August 27, 2015

The developer had just put the finishing touches to his latest game, and he intended to launch it in Japan in the next few weeks.

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Letter Translation Services by our Legal Translators

August 26, 2015

A legal case required our client to present a document in court, but before he could do so it required translating into English from French.

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