French to English Legal Translation

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French to English Legal Translation

August 26, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

Legal translation requires a high degree of accuracy and professionalism. After all, important decisions that have the potential to effect the lives of their participants often depend on the accurate translation of legal material.

At Tomedes, we work with a wide range of legal clients, and on this occasion another of our valued customers, located in Washington, U.S., and in charge of his own law firm, contacted us regarding one of his current cases. The case required our client to present a document in court, but before he could do so it required translating into English from French.

Our client knows that we provide the most accurate translation for the best prices, and he didn't hesitate to commission the translation to begin. The translation was fairly straightforward: a single-sided letter. However, the content of the letter could be interpreted differently if an inaccurate translation was given, and thus one of our best translators was assigned the task of accurately rendering the letter in English. Thanks to our translator's experience in the legal realm, it didn't take long to provide an exhaustive translation of the letter, and the translator's proven competency was something our client had depended upon previously. 

The completed translation was returned to the client within the hour, which he thought was a very quick turnaround time indeed! We wish our client well for his upcoming court case, and we look forward to assisting him again in the future.

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