Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Professional website translation by Tomedes

June 26, 2019

A recent Tomedes client used our website translation service to expand his company's reach

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Professional, fast translations by Tomedes

June 23, 2019

A client needed business translation services to replicate his Swedish company's success in the UK.

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Accurate audio translation services from Tomedes

June 19, 2019

A recent Tomedes client needed his audio file translated from French to UK English.

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Professional Italian translation from Tomedes

June 16, 2019

Recently, Tomedes worked with a client who needed a translation from English to Italian for his product instruction manual.

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Tomedes delivers professional Danish translation

June 12, 2019

Tomedes' manual translation service came to the aid of a client who needed a Danish translation of his business manual.

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Professional video translation from Tomedes

June 09, 2019

A recent Tomedes client recently engaged us to translate his video from Turkish to English, against a backdrop of increasing video consumption.

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Accurate Flemish translation from Tomedes

June 05, 2019

A client used our rush translation service for her French to Flemish translation, as she was keen to complete her translation project as soon as possible.

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Accurate financial translation from Tomedes

May 29, 2019

A client's recent financial translation required the Tomedes team to convert his document from English to Spanish.

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Professional app translation by Tomedes

May 29, 2019

A recent Tomedes client needed professional translation services to convert his app from English to Italian.

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Professional website translation from Tomedes

May 26, 2019

Our most recent client job was a website translation from English to Greek

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