Turkish to English video translation

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Turkish to English video translation

June 09, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

A vast amount of the content that we consume nowadays consists of video. From video reviews of products to animal rescues shared on social media sites, the use of video has become ubiquitous. Research has shown that 55% of people watch videos online every day. Statistics also indicate that videos on social media can generate up to 1,200% more shares than text and images combined can achieve. 

It is little wonder, then, that calls for video translation have increased, as companies around the world put this powerful marketing tool to work. 

Professional Turkish translation

A recent Tomedes client, for example, recently engaged us to translate his video from Turkish to English. He had read online about our high-quality Turkish to English translation service and was ready to boost his brand in front of English-speaking audiences through the power of video. And the Tomedes team were on hand to help!

Accurate video translation services

One of our specialities is providing fast, accurate video translation services. We cover every element of the process, beginning with transcription. While we transcribe, we timestamp the text to ensure that the translation (whether voiceover audio or subtitles) can be applied accurately to what’s on screen. Once the transcription is complete, we can then translate it and provide subtitles that can be paired with the video. We can also provide a full translation that is ready for a voiceover artist to record. 

In this client’s case, he opted to dub the original Turkish audio with an English-language voiceover, rather than use subtitles. As such, our Turkish translator got straight to work, first transcribing and timestamping and then translating the video. 

The client was delighted with the result. He had already lined up the voiceover artist that he wanted to use, so was able to present her with the translation that we provided in order to take his video project forward. Another very happy Tomedes customer! 

A global translation network

As a translation agency serving clients around the world, Tomedes has taken great care to build up a solid, global network of professional translators. This means that we can offer a wide range of language pairings, as well as experience and expertise in areas such as video and audio translation, app translation, technical translation and much more. 

If you have a translation need, it’s time to speak to the Tomedes team. You can chat with us online via our website or contact us by phone or email. We operate a 24/7 service, so there’s always someone available to discuss your translation requirements. We look forward to hearing from you! 

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