Website translation from Danish to English

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Website translation from Danish to English

March 16, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

A new client recently approached Tomedes and asked for his website to be translated from Danish to English. He had spent many years building up the site, which was focused around his love of live music. It included album reviews, write ups of gigs that he had been to and plenty of trivia about his favourite bands. Having built up a large following for the site in Denmark, he was ready to reach out to new audiences, hence his request for an English version of the site.

We knew straight away that we had the perfect translator for this job. Tomedes maintains a network of translators around the globe and we seek to pair jobs with their particular interests and experience. Our network includes a Danish to English translator based in Cardiff, who is passionate about music and who has previously undertaken expert translation of several websites and blog sites, making him the ideal person to take on this work. 

The client was keen that the website translation be word perfect. He had put his heart and soul into building the site and wanted to be sure that the English version was just as beautifully crafted as the original Danish version. This was why he selected Tomedes for the job. We are known for our attention to detail, for always using professional human translators (never machines) and for offering great value for money, which was exactly what the client had in mind. 

Our Danish to English translator worked his way methodically through the site and the client was absolutely delighted with the result. He is now proudly building up an English language following to his site, as well as his Danish fans. 

For everything from personal translations to business documents, Tomedes is here to help. Use our website for an instant quote, or speak to us online, by email or on the phone for further information. 

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