Video game translation – English to Spanish, Italian, Russian, German and French

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Video game translation – English to Spanish, Italian, Russian, German and French

October 28, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

Video game translation projects are often extremely large, encompassing as many as a quarter of a million words or more. They also frequently need to be translated into multiple languages. 

A new client approached Tomedes recently as she needed her video game to be translated into five languages. Tomedes is exceptionally well placed to deal with such requests. Not only do we have a great deal of experience of translating video games, but our network of professional translators extends around the world. 

For this job, we worked with top members of the Tomedes team, getting a Spanish translator, Italian translator, Russian translator, German translator and French translator all working on the project simultaneously. We managed the team closely to ensure that all queries and stylistic points were shared across all of the translators. This meant that they could work as a close team, despite being located in five different countries. 

This was a long and detailed job, but the team never failed to be anything but enthusiastic about the work that they were undertaking. From start to finish they were attentive and accurate, resulting in five excellent translations of the entire text for the video game. 

The client was thrilled to receive such a thorough and attentive service at such a good rate. From her perspective, it meant that she could focus on the myriad other elements of developing the game, without needing to worry about the translation of the content. Tomedes was able to provide her with high quality, accurate translations in line with her schedule. 

If you have a translation need – anything from a birth certificate to a video game – then contact Tomedes today for a fast quote. We cover a vast range of language pairings and use native translators wherever possible to ensure that you get the best translation, every time.

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