Market research translation

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Market research translation

May 17, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

A business client recently asked Tomedes to help it gain an understanding of how its customers felt about the company. It had already conducted a market research survey in English, which had produced some interesting results. Now, the company wanted to collect the opinions of its Brazilian customers. However, nobody on the staff team could write Portuguese well enough for a professional business document. A translation service was needed in order to ensure that the company’s Portuguese document was of the same high standard as its English one. Enter Tomedes. 

We have a wide network of translators available and always seek to map the client’s requirements to the nationality of the translator. For this job, that meant using a Brazilian translator rather than one based in Portugal, so that the translation would be written in flawless Brazilian Portuguese and not in European Portuguese. Needless to say, our service relies on human translation and not inferior quality machine translation.

The client was eager to get started with his market research survey, so opted for our quick translation service. Our Rio-based translator got to work straight away, working diligently to deliver the client’s survey questions in perfect Portuguese. 

The client also opted to use our desktop publishing service, as he was sending out a leaflet to promote the survey to his company’s Brazilian customers. Our translator made swift work of setting up the Portuguese leaflet, based on the English version that the client supplied. This meant that the client was given not only his market research questions in Portuguese, but also the means to promote the survey. 

We delivered the translation on time and within budget, resulting in a very happy client indeed. His company is now merrily conducting its survey thanks to the power of business translation. 

For more information on how translation can support your business, contact the friendly Tomedes team. 

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