Professional App Translation

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Professional App Translation

February 28, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

Mobile app translation is enabling businesses of all shapes and sizes to connect with their customers around the world in new and exciting ways. From the smallest of start-ups to huge corporations, apps provide a direct way for companies to engage with existing customers and potentially attract new ones. For a recent Tomedes client, it was the possibility of reaching out to new customers that prompted her US English to Canadian French app translation. 

The client had already enjoyed fairly significant success as a result of a gaming app she had launched in the US. Now, she was looking to target new markets, taking her app north into Canada. As part of the venture, she was planning to target both English and French speaking Canadians – hence the need for the French translation of her app. 

The client was in a hurry. She was eager to tap into the potential that the Canadian market held and wanted to move fast. As such, she used our urgent translation service in order to obtain the French language version of her app as soon as possible. 

The Tomedes team was delighted to help. We regularly translate apps for clients around the world and have a substantial amount of app translation expertise at our disposal. For this client, we used our leading app translator based in Quebec. Wherever possible, we always seek to use a native of the target language, in order to produce the best translation results. Our countless positive Tomedes translation reviews show the efficacy of this policy as part of our quality assurance procedures. 

We delivered the client’s translated app in good time, enabling her to move forward swiftly with her plans to conquer Canadian audiences. 

From app translation to legal document translation, contact Tomedes today to find out how we can help your business grow and better serve your customers. 

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