Urgent Series of Portuguese Translations

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Urgent Series of Portuguese Translations

March 15, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

At Tomedes, we pride ourselves on our ability to produce quick translations for our clients, and on this occasion our competency in this area was put to the test!

A regular client got in touch with us, requesting that we translate four different documents within 24 hours. The client worked for a leading charity, and was required to make an international presentation at short notice. Thanks to our high level of availability, the client received a response from Kenette within the hour with a price quotation and deadline confirmation attached.

The client was happy to see that we could complete the four translations within 24 hours and, as always, was impressed by our attractive price point.

Our leading Portuguese translator set to work on the documents, utilizing his NGO-related background to accurately translate key concepts used within that sector.

During the translation, the client wished to change something in one of the documents, and contacted Kenette urgently to request the change. Thanks to the fact that we assign specific staff members to be on-hand to help our clients, Kenette was able to notify the translator of the client’s request before he reached that point in the document. Needless to say, the client was very happy about this as our communicative efficiency ended up saving him money.

The completed translations were returned to the client before the 24 hour timeframe was up, and the client thanked us for helping him out at such short notice. Perhaps we might be able to assist you with relatively short notice too? If you think we might be able to help, please feel free to get in touch.


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