Trusted Technical Translation

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Trusted Technical Translation

March 01, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

A regular client recently approached Tomedes regarding an urgent German to English technical translation. He had previously used our services for brief technical documents, but now needed a more substantial translation – and he needed it fast!

We were pleased to be able to help. With a network of more than 5,000 professional human translators spread around the world, we have the ability to respond swiftly to businesses’ translation needs, no matter what they might be. 

For this client, we were able to use the same technical translator who had previously worked on his documents. This provided continuity of service to the client and also made for a faster translation, as the translator was already familiar with the client’s technical terminology and house style. 

Our German to English translator got to work straight away, working quickly but thoroughly in order to meet the client’s deadline. Her love of language and background in science and technology translation meant that she was ideally suited to this job. We seek to pair our translators’ interests and experience with the work they are assigned in this way whenever possible, in order to deliver the highest quality translations to our clients. 

Racing to meet the client’s deadline was essential for this job, but without any compromise on quality. Our quality assurance team ensured that no typos slipped through the net, so that the finished product was absolutely flawless. 

The client was delighted with the speed and professionalism of our urgent translation service. Using this service meant that he was able to meet his company’s deadlines in terms of the delivery of his project, keeping his boss and the company’s investors very happy. 

For all of your corporate translation needs, contact the Tomedes team today. We have professional translators available at short notice, so even if you’ve left it to the last minute, we are here to help. 

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