Ukrainian to English birth and marriage certificate translation

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Ukrainian to English birth and marriage certificate translation

February 17, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

Tomedes is often asked to undertake the translation of official documents for individual clients, including birth certificate translation and marriage certificate translation. This was precisely the case when a client approached us recently needing his birth certificate and marriage certificate translated from Ukrainian to English. 

The client spoke both languages fluently, but when it comes to the translation of official documents such as these, a professional translation agency should always be used, so that a certificate of translation can be provided. The certificate offers assurance to whichever organisation the translated certificates are being presented to that the translations are true and accurate representations of the original documents. 

Tomedes has a network of professional human translators around the globe. We always seek to use a translator whose native language is that of the target document, so for this particular job we used our top Ukrainian to English translator based in the UK city of Birmingham. 

The translator was able to start work immediately and in less than 48 hours she had translated and typeset the clients’ birth certificate and marriage certificate into flawless English. 

The client was delighted to receive such professional looking translations, along with the requested certificate of translation. Obtaining these documents has enabled him to move forward with a number of outstanding paperwork matters, which a lack of translated documents had been holding up. He was also delighted by the excellent value for money of the Tomedes service – a happy customer in all respects!

Contact us today to discuss your own translation needs. Tomedes handles everything from certificate translation for individual customers to large corporate projects involving policy documents, brochures, websites, business cards, letters and more. Speak to us on the phone or via email or our live web chat service for more details. We look forward to hearing from you. 

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