Turkish to English real estate translation

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Turkish to English real estate translation

July 15, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Real estate translation, such as the Turkish to English real estate translation that Tomedes translated last week, is a specialist form of legal translation that requires absolute precision in the translation. Thankfully, this is an area in which Tomedes excels. 

We use a network of professional human translators from around the globe to ensure that we have access to specialist translators for almost every language pairing. We never use machine translation – it isn’t good enough for our demanding standards. 

For this client’s real estate translation, we turned to our top real estate translator based in Solihull. She had worked as a letting agent before following her dream career as a translator, so her knowledge of real estate language was second to none. 

We provided the client with an extremely competitive quote, which he was pleased to accept instantly, and then began work on his translation. Just one week later, the client had the English version of his real estate document in his inbox. He was delighted – not only was the Tomedes service faster and more efficient than he had imagined, but the English version of his original Turkish real estate document was absolutely flawless

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