Turkish to English Literary Translation

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Turkish to English Literary Translation

April 23, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Tomedes is often asked to undertake the translation of novels, poetry and other literary offerings, such as the Turkish to English literary translation that we completed last week. The client had written a novel, which had been well received in his home country of Turkey and which he was looking to present to a wider audience by providing an English version.

This was a substantial job that would require a dedicated translator with exceptional attention to detail. Tomedes has a bank of over 5,000 such translators, based in locations across the globe. It is how we are able to offer a 24/7 translation service. We always use human translators – never machines.

We assigned our leading translator based in the English city of Bradford to this project, providing him with the Turkish version of the novel, which ran to nearly 40,000 words in length. He worked solidly through the translation, liaising closely with our professional proofreader to ensure that the translated text was utterly flawless.

The client was extremely pleased to receive the English version of his novel nearly a week ahead of the date that Tomedes had originally quoted and at no additional costs to our extremely competitive quote. 

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