Certified Telugu to English business email translation

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Certified Telugu to English business email translation

May 01, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

A new client recently approach Tomedes via the online chat service on our website. She had a series of business emails that she wanted translated from Telugu to English. We discussed the client’s needs in details and established that he was looking for a certified translation. This is no problem for Tomedes – we are happy to offer a certificate of translation for all of the translations that we produce. 

The client sent us his documents and we set one of our professional human translators to work straight away. Based in Bradford, in the UK, our translator had been handling business translation for top clients for several years, so we knew he would do an excellent job for this new client. 

Our translator lived up to his reputation. He quickly and efficiently translated the series of emails into flawless English. The Tomedes quality assurance checks identified no errors and so the finished emails – along with the certificate of translation – were released to the client. 

She was thrilled with the professional customer service that Tomedes had provided, as well as with our excellent value for money. She has already put the emails to good use as part of a new procedural system within her company. The results have been excellent and the client has thanked Tomedes for our professional support, which is helping her to manage her business more effectively. 

Translation can impact positively on businesses in multiple ways. It can help companies to reach out to new customers, reduce costs in their supply chains through new arrangements and bridge international language barriers in order to form beneficial new partnerships. Whatever your translation needs, Tomedes is here to help. Speak to our friendly team today to find out how quickly we can provide you with the flawless translation that you need to take your business to the next level. 

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