Swedish to English legal translation

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Swedish to English legal translation

December 12, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

The translation of legal documents is often a sensitive subject. It requires discretion and sensitivity on the part of the translator, as well as outstanding linguistic talent. This was highlighted by a recent Tomedes client, who wanted her legal papers translated from Swedish to English, so that she could better understand them. Having lived in Sweden for several years, she could speak the language fairly competently, but when it came to legal documents she wanted to be 100% sure she had understood them, which meant reading them in her native language. 

Tomedes was on hand to help. As time was of the essence, the client chose to use our urgent translation service, which meant that she would get her translations in the fastest possible time. She also asked for the translations to be certified, to confirm the authenticity of the translated versions. Again, this posed no problem for the skilled Tomedes team – we can provide certified translation services for any type and length of document. 

Our Swedish to English translator got to work immediately, mindful of the client’s short timeframe. Familiar with both the English and the Swedish legal landscapes, he worked quickly and efficiently through the papers, applying an exceptional level of accuracy to the translation process. 

With the Swedish translation completed in good time, the client was able to pursue her legal matter without delay. She had already understood the gist of the paperwork, but the translation allowed her to appreciate the finer detail of the matter in question, givinFg her the knowledge and the confidence she needed in order to take the matter forward. 

Whether your translation need is a legal one or related to something entirely different (we have translators skilled in everything from video translation to patent translation), Tomedes is here to help. Speak to our helpful team via live chat, email or phone to find out more about what we can do to assist you.  


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