Spanish Translation for Online Product Catalog

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Spanish Translation for Online Product Catalog

June 08, 2010

By Ofer Tirosh

Maximize Your Market with Online Product Catalog Translation

In order to reach a maximized audience with any kind of online store, business or catalog, global communication is essential. Translation of product catalogs and product description translation. is all part of making any sales and commerce business online open and accessible to the biggest market of all - the worldwide market. As a leading professional business translation service, we have helped numerous online stores with online catalog translation, as well as product listing translation, as well as website localization. With the amount of competition in any industry or sales business, it has become critical to keep up by making products and services accessible to foreign language markets. The only way to do this with optimized results is to use a top translation service like Tomedes.

To get a free quote for any product catalog translation or any business website translation, simply upload your documents using the menu on the left. You'll be provided with an instant quote within seconds, complete with the lowest translation prices you can find from any leading translation service.

Spanish Business Translation in Miami and Abroad

Recently a client located in Miami needed html pages of online catalog translation from English to Spanish (specific client details are strictly prohibited from disclosure due to confidential terms of service). Because Miami has such a large Spanish-speaking population, Spanish translation requests are very common in this area, as well as much of the south in general, especially larger metro areas in Texas like Austin and Houston, Phoenix AZ, and Pasadena, CA. However, Spanish translation is needed more and more throughout all of North America. Clients in Miami frequently turn to Tomedes for Spanish business translation, website translation and localization, and other Spanish document translations.

This particular Spanish catalog translation consisted of 14,382 words, and needed html page translation for the catalog products. The online business was apparel, clothing and accessories, which did not require any heavy technical translation knowledge, other than some simple translation of html content. For this size project, we typically assign two Spanish translators, two Spanish proofreaders, and a project supervisor.

We've recently provided similar professional translation service for other clients, such as Tagalog translation of online product listings, website translation from Nepali to English for a retail website, and many other sales and service website translations in many other languages. We continue to be the top translation agency choice for assistance in market and audience maximization with our online business translation service.

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