Spanish to English Medical Translation

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Spanish to English Medical Translation

January 23, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Medical translation, such as the Spanish to English health care document translation that Tomedes carried out recently, is a specialist practice. It requires translators to have an extensive knowledge of medical terminology, in both the original and the target language.

This is why Tomedes has put so much time into building up a global network of translators from all walks of life. We have professional translators with medical experience covering a range of language pairings. Spanish to English is one of the most frequently requested pairings, given the prevalence of both languages throughout the world.

Based in Florida, the translator we selected for this job got straight to work. Her nursing background and dual nationality meant that we could not have found a more perfect person to translate this client’s medical documents.

The translator worked swiftly yet with incredible accuracy, producing a high quality translation that correctly covered all medical terminology. Tomedes then proofread and quality checked the translation, as part of the tried and tested procedures that our service entails.

The client was pleasantly surprised by the low cost of the Tomedes translation service, as well as with the quick turnaround time for his translated documents. In fact, he was so pleased that he immediately recommended us to a friend, for whom we are also now undertaking Spanish to English translation work

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