Immigration paperwork translation

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Immigration paperwork translation

November 16, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

Tomedes is often asked to undertake the translation of legal documents like birth certificates and marriage certificates. These are particularly important for clients who are planning a move overseas, or who have just moved overseas and need to get their paperwork in order. Certified translation of such documents is often essential in order to satisfy the new country’s residency requirements. Using this service means that the translated document is accompanied by a certificate to verify that the translation is a true and accurate copy of the original document. 

This was the case for a recent client who requested the translation of his birth and marriage certificate from Spanish to US English. His handwritten original documents were somewhat tattered, but still entirely legible, so we knew we would quickly and efficiently be able to provide him with the US English versions that he needed.

Due to the small amount of text involved, birth certificate and marriage certificate translation is generally a very cost effective service. This client obtained his price using the instant quote service on the Tomedes website before sending his documents to us for translation. 

We have a bank of talented professional Spanish to English translators available and were able to get to work straight away on the client’s certificates. At Tomedes we always aim to use natives to the target language and region for the translation, so in this instance we used one of our translators based in Florida. We find that taking this approach ensures a higher quality of translation for our clients, so for US English we use translators in the US (and for UK English we turn to our translation team in the UK).

The client was pleased to have his translated documents and certificate of translation in less than 48 hours of asking Tomedes to undertake the work. Our swift service eased some of the burden of sorting out his immigration paperwork and he was grateful that the translation process had proven so simple. 

For all your translation needs, whether business or personal, contact Tomedes for a quote. 

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