An accurate, Spanish translation of corporate documents

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An accurate, Spanish translation of corporate documents

July 10, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

A new client contacted us the other day to request that some of their corporate documents be translated into Spanish. The client works for a charity, and the charity intended to present these documents to government authorities to apply for official charity status. Needless to say, having an accurate Spanish translation was of the utmost importance, as the government would be using our Spanish translation to make their decision. 

Kenette (one of our account managers) replied to the client within the hour, extending him a warm welcome and attaching a competitive quotation for the Spanish translation. The client was impressed with Kenette’s quick response and the very affordable price of the translation, but he wanted to ensure that our translation would be up to the standards required by the Spanish authorities. 

Kenette advised the client that all of our translations come with a Certification of Translation Accuracy Certificate, which puts our translation company’s name to the completed translation and states that our translation is indeed accurate to the best of our knowledge. In the past, this certification has been used to support translated documents that require official verification. 

This measure reassured the client, who commissioned the translation to begin. Kenette chose one of our expert Spanish translators to begin working on the document, and thanks to her native-speaking ability, the corporate documents were soon translated into Spanish and returned to the client’s inbox. 

The client was grateful for such a quick and professional service, and he mentioned that he’d come straight back to our translation agency if he ever required any future corporate translations. 

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