Medical File Translation From Russian to English

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Medical File Translation From Russian to English

August 13, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

Russian is one of the more complex languages in the world and therefore requires skilled translators in order to avoid mistranslations. From business translations to academic translations to personal translations, translation errors can be avoided by hiring a professional Russian translation firm that has practical experience with the language.

The Tomedes Russian translators are experts not only in vocabulary and transalation, but also context and slang. The last Russian translation we worked on was for a series of medical files that needed to be translated from Russian into English. Our client owns a medical center in Russia that also services some English speaking patients. There were 87 pages of medical documents total and it took three of our best Russian translators two days to finish the project. Our client was pleasantly surprised by the quick turnaround time and accuracy of the project.

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