Outstanding Audio Translation

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Outstanding Audio Translation

December 11, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

It’s always good to enjoy variety at work. It’s one of the benefits of working for a professional translation service – you never know what the subject matter or format of the next document will be, nor the particular requirements that a new client may have. Being able to meet all those needs and provide professional translation services, regardless of the nature of the document in hand, is an extremely rewarding endeavour. 

For our most recent client, meeting her needs meant translating several hours of audio recording from Romanian to English. Translating audio files is a very different task from translating written documents. With written copy, the translator can simply work with the open document in front of them. Audio translation involves much more to-ing and fro-ing, as the translator has to transcribe what she is hearing as well as translating it. Even with the highest quality of recording, this can be a challenge. 

Thankfully, with a network of 5,000 professional human translators spread around the world, Tomedes is in a position to provide audio translation services for a wide range of languages, including Romanian. Our new client was delighted to find that we had the perfect translator available to work on her translation. 

We lost no time in getting to work. The translator used a transcription foot pedal and headset to control the pace of the recording as she translated what she heard from Romanian to English. It was a long task, but she applied herself diligently and made good progress. 

The client was surprised with how quickly we were able to complete the job – her translation was ready several days before she was expecting it. We always aim to over-deliver in this way – it’s part of our unique approach to keeping our clients happy through the delivery of translation services that exceed their expectations. 

Contact Tomedes today to find out more. 

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