Portuguese to English Birth Certificate Translation

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Portuguese to English Birth Certificate Translation

August 05, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

We recently undertook a Portuguese to English birth certificate translation for a new client, who took advantage of the Tomedes certified translation service. This service provides clients not just with their translated document, but with an official Certificate of Translation to show that the translation has been undertaken by a professional translation company. 

For translated documents that are needed for legal purposes, such as the English version of this client’s birth certificate, having a Certificate of Translation is a means of assuring those examining the document that it is a true and accurate translation of the original.  

With a bank of more than 5,000 professional translators based around the globe, Tomedes is able to provide the perfect translator for every job, covering almost every language pairing. For this job, our top Norwich-based translator got to work, as his experience of translating certificates, immigration papers and the like meant that he was well positioned to undertake this job. 

The birth certificate was translated into flawless English and returned to the client, along with the Certificate of Translation, within just 48 hours of her approaching us about it. The client was delighted with our service and has pledged to use Tomedes for all of her future translation needs. 

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