Polish to English birth certificate translation

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Polish to English birth certificate translation

July 24, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

The translation of personal documents such as birth certificates and marriage certificates is an important task. Accuracy is essential, particularly given that most translations of this nature are for official purposes, such as visa and residency applications or in relation to schooling or business matters. 

Tomedes recently undertook the Polish to English translation of a birth certificate for just such a purpose. The client required the translation as part of his immigration paperwork after moving overseas from his native Poland and was in a hurry to get his papers in order. 

As well as requiring the birth certificate translation, the client was also seeking a certificate of translation. This is no problem for Tomedes – certified translation is a service that we are pleased to offer at no extra cost for each and every translation job that we undertake. Clients simply need to ask us and we will provide a certificate of translation that confirms the accuracy and validity of the translation. 

This client’s short timescale meant that our Polish to English translator got to work straight away. Having gone through the fun of immigration paperwork herself, the translator knew what it was like waiting for government departments to process things and how important it was to comply with deadlines! 

Our fast, accurate translation was completed less than 48 hours after the client first contacted Tomedes regarding his birth certificate translation. After a thorough check by our quality assurance team (a service we provide free of charge for all translations we undertake), the English version of the birth certificate was emailed to the client, along with the certificate of translation. 

The client was delighted with the result. His translation was 100% accurate and had been completed faster than he expected – and all for an excellent price! 

Contact Tomedes today to discuss your translation needs. We cover everything from personal documents to extensive business translation projects – just let us know what you need and we’ll take care of the rest!

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