Medical document translation from German to English

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Medical document translation from German to English

September 27, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

The translation of medical documents is a highly specialized field. Medical terms and their correct usage can often be tricky to understand in just one language, let alone two, but the professional medical translators at Tomedes are more than up to the challenge. 

Our medical translation team is able to translate complex medical terms and descriptions sensitively, from individual patient notes to lengthy websites. We are also experienced at pharmaceutical translation for leaflets, packets and guidance notes. 

Most recently, we were asked to undertake the translation of a dense chunk of medical text from German to English. Not daunted by the complicated terminology in the slightest, we set our top German to English medical translator to work. Having worked in the medical and pharmaceutical industry for many years in Cambridge, England, he was confident at translating the medical terms into English. 

Tomedes always endeavors to use native translators in this way. By using a native speaker of the target language, we ensure a high quality translation that is grammatically accurate and that flows well. We also avoid machine-based translation. Even with simple texts, computers can produce translations that don’t read at all well and when it comes to complex medical jargon they just don’t have what it takes to produce the kind of quality that humans can. 

Medical professionals, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies all frequently require documents to be translated, often to short deadlines. Individuals do too from time to time, particularly those receiving medical treatment in a foreign country. 

Whichever of these categories you fit into, talk to us about your medical translation needs. We will provide you with an accurate, responsive service for a rate that will leave you pleasantly surprised. Get in touch today to let us know how we can be of service, via phone, email or the live chat service on our website.

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