Mandarin to English software translation

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Mandarin to English software translation

May 30, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

A recent Tomedes client was looking to recreate the success of her Chinese-language software by developing an English-language version. She asked the Tomedes team to provide the software translation and we were delighted to be able to help. 

The client’s software design included an impressive user interface, which had been instrumental in the Chinese version providing a superb user experience. The client wanted to ensure that the care and attention that had gone into the original design was mirrored during the professional translation process. 

This was no problem for the Tomedes team. We maintain a global network of language professionals from all walks of life, with a vast array of experience behind them. Our policy is to pair our jobs with translators based not just on their linguistic skills, but also on their relevant experience. This is how we lay the foundations for producing accurate translations for each and every client, no matter what their translation may relate to. 

For this job, we turned to our leading Chinese software translator, whose expertise blended technical knowledge with fluent Mandarin. She got to work right away, liaising with the client to understand her priorities before tackling the software translation. 

We maintained a steady dialogue with the client throughout the job, to ensure that the translation met with her exacting requirements. We are happy to be as hands-on or hands-off as the client requires when it comes to updates during the translation process.

The client was thrilled with the attention to detail and care that went into this translation. The English-language version of his software was every bit as excellent as the original – and all for a lower price than she had budgeted for. Another very happy Tomedes customer!

The Tomedes team is available to translate everything from software and websites to medical paperwork and legal documents. Please contact us for further details. 

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