Legal Translation for Real Estate Lending Firm

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Legal Translation for Real Estate Lending Firm

April 19, 2012

By Ofer Tirosh

Financial Translation for Lending Firm Contract

One of Israel's most prominent and biggest lending firms contacted us for help drawing up a general financial contract in several middle eastern languages.  The first to be suggested for surrounding real estate markets were Hebrew translation and Arabic translation of the lending contract.  English to Arabic translation and English to Hebrew translation would cover a large percentage of the firm's market languages.

The lending contract was a general financial lending document, which stated explicitly the firm's terms for financial lending, with specific reference to real estate lending.  This is not unusual for us as a translation service, within the past few years, due to a steep rise in real estate related translation service requests from clients, from both Eastern and Western European regions, as well as U.S. clients.  International real estate investment and sale activity has risen, likely due to the worldwide economical climate, and the ideal time for buying or investing in real estate, both locally and internationally.  Arabic translation and Hebrew translation have been a couple of many language translation services we have recently provided in the real estate industry.  We also recently provided the city of Astana with real estate and legal translation services, due to the anomaly of its current industrial and cultural expansion, despite the rest of the world's economic status.

Recently Requested Language Pairs for Real Estate and Legal Translation

Other popular language pairs for real estate translation services have included Turkish to English translation, Farsi, Armenian, and Greek translation services.  Russian to English translation for the real estate industry has also been a top language pair for translation service of recent demands, and most likely will be the next language to be requested by our client. 

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