Legal translation from English to Sinhalese

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Legal translation from English to Sinhalese

April 06, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

A new client recently approached Tomedes regarding the translation of a series of legal documents from English to Sinhalese. The client was a native of Sri Lanka who spoke good English. However, when faced with a batch of legal documents that he was being asked to sign, he felt that his English skills were not up to the level required by the language in the documents and wanted to read through them in his native language. 

Tomedes was pleased to be able to assist. We have a network of 5,000 human translators spread around the world, including professional English to Sinhalese translators. 

For this job, we approached our leading Sinhalese translator in Colombo. She was available to start immediately and had a background in legal translation, making her the ideal person for to undertake the work. At Tomedes we always aim to match our translators’ backgrounds and experience to the jobs they undertake in this way, to ensure that our clients receive accurate translations in a timely fashion. 

That was certainly the case for this client. While the legal documents were lengthy, our professional Sinhalese translator made short work of them. Each one was translated and sent to the client as soon as it was finished, in line with his request to read them as soon as possible. 

The client was delighted with the efficiency of the Tomedes service and the high quality of the translated documents that he received. The work gave him the confidence to proceed with signing the English versions of the paperwork, certain that he knew precisely what he was agreeing to by doing so. 

Legal translation is just one highly specialized service available from Tomedes. We also provide medical and pharmaceutical translation services, website translation, marketing brochure translation and a wide range of other business and personal translation services. Why not contact us to find out more? 

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