Japanese to US English birth certificate translation

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Japanese to US English birth certificate translation

June 20, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

A recent Tomedes client needed her birth certificate translated from Japanese to US English. She asked to use our certified translation service in order to prove the authenticity of the translated document. This was no problem at all – we are happy to provide a certificate of translation for any document. 

Birth certificate translation is a service that clients often ask the Tomedes team to provide. From schools to government departments, there is a range of bodies who need to read birth certificates in their own language. In this client’s case, she needed to present a certified translation alongside her original birth certificate. She needed it fast, so opted for our urgent translation service. 

Our Japanese translation expert got straight to work. Based in Los Angeles, he has been translating for several years, during which time he has worked on many birth certificates (along with marriage certificates, divorce documents, death certificates and other life admin papers). He made quick work of the client’s document, translating the hand-written original into an accurate English version. 

We issued the translated birth certificate to the client, along with the certificate of translation, the day after she approached us. Naturally, she was delighted by the speed of our service and the accuracy of the translation. 

Birth certificates are an excellent example of why human translation services remain superior to machine translation. Documents of this nature require a level of finesse that only humans can provide, particularly given the hand-written nature of much of the content! 

Tomedes is here to help with your translation needs. From individual certificates to vast corporate translation projects, we can translate your documents quickly, efficiently and accurately. You can contact our team to find out more. You can also use our website to obtain an instant quote for your translation job, so that you have clarity on price from the outset. 

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