Japanese to English Will Translation

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Japanese to English Will Translation

December 04, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Legal documents require very precise translation, and the fact that Tomedes has lots of law firms as clients is testament to the caliber of Tomedes’ translators and their commitment to the privacy of clients’ texts.

For example, one client contacted Tomedes regarding a will that needed to be translated into a language that was readable by a relative. The client owned a law firm, and got in touch with Tomedes using the 24/7 telephone line. The client explained his requirements, and wanted to be sure of Tomedes’ confidentiality in client matters. As the translation of this document could have significant implications for the recipient, the client also wanted to be assured that the translation had some sort of guarantee too.

Jerry, Tomedes’ account manager, assured the client that all of Tomedes’ professionals who deal with client documentation sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that Tomedes guarantees all translations for one year, during which if any errors are found they can be rectified without charge to the client. 

The client was satisfied by Jerry’s assurance, and Jerry sent an email to the client confirming the matters they discussed on the phone. Based on this, the client decided to go ahead with the translation, and a translator was soon chosen who possessed native-speaking ability and had a background in law, making him an ideal fit for the job.

When the translation was returned, the grateful client was pleased with the meticulous translation of the will and thanked Tomedes for their quick and reliable service.

By offering all clients a one-year guarantee on their translation, in addition to ensuring the confidentiality of their documents, Tomedes finds that repeat custom from clients who value accuracy and privacy is never hard to come by.

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