Italian Translation of Insurance Policy

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Italian Translation of Insurance Policy

May 21, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh


Italian is a language that is still spoken frequently in certain areas of the United States, such as parts of New York. We get Italian translation requests frequently from Italian business owners.  Last week, we received a request from a long time client to translate an insurance policy from English into Italian.

Our client is a business owner in Queens who owns an insurance brokerage. He had an Italian customer who wanted her policy translated from English into Italian so she could understand it.  We put a team of two Italian translators on the project, with a quick turnaround time of just two business days.

Italian Translations

With a high percentage of people of Italian descent in the US and Canada, Italian translation requests are fairly common. Some of the documents we translate most frequently are birth certificates, death certificates, insurance policies, travel documents, visas, passports, business documents and marketing materials. 


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