Italian to English Resume Translation

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Italian to English Resume Translation

January 13, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Resume translation, as in the case of the resume that Tomedes translated from Italian to English last week, is a skill that requires more than just linguistic ability. The translator needs to understand not just the words, but also the preferred business language for resumes in the target country. Without that knowledge, resume translation can leave the client with a resume that lists all the right skills, but just sounds wrong.

This is one of the reasons that Tomedes has worked hard to build up a network of professional translators with career experience from all walks of life. For the recent Italian to English resume translation, which we undertook for a client who was planning to move from Milan to Aberdeen, we selected a translator with a background in recruitment, knowing that he would have a keen eye for what an English CV should entail.

We completed the translation, proofreading and quality checking of the resume within 48 hours of the client sending it to us. He was excited to have received it back so quickly and at such a reasonable cost, and has already submitted it to a number of companies in advance of his move to Scotland in a few months’ time. 

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