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November 14, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

Universities often need documents translated from one language to another. Academic translation is a highly sought after skill, which requires careful, intelligent, human translation.

Tomedes has a network of professional translators around the world, with backgrounds from a huge range of careers. Many are university graduates who are familiar with the world of academia and the particular requirements relating to academic writing. 

We were recently approached by a university in need of translating academic materials from Italian to English. With nearly 2,500 words of text and a deadline for just three days from the client, this was a pressing job. We scanned our network for the most appropriate translator and hit upon one of our leading London-based professionals. With a post-graduate degree from one of the top English universities, he was the perfect candidate for this job. 

Given the short timescale for translating the document, our translator got to work immediately. He was able to produce the translated version within just 48 hours, with just a couple of queries regarding terminology, which were quickly discussed with the client. The final document was presented within the university’s three day deadline. By building in time for any required clarifications, our translator had ensured that the final document was both a perfect translation and delivered within the client’s timescale. 

Tomedes prides itself on both of these points, as well as on providing cost effective translation. The academic world is moving ever closer to becoming a global community and Tomedes is pleased to be empowering universities to be a part of that community. 

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