An Italian, legal translation that was returned quickly

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An Italian, legal translation that was returned quickly

July 17, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

One of our regular clients decided to make contact with us the other day. This client represents a large telecommunications firm who have been working with our translation company for a little while now. 

On this occasion, the client wished to have a short terms and conditions document translated into Italian, and he wanted the Italian translation to be accomplished as soon as possible. 

Nadia (one of Tomedes’ project managers) contacted the client within the hour and confirmed that we had a suitable Italian translator ready to work on the terms and conditions translation and that the translator would indeed be able to provide a quick turnaround. Nadia also attached an affordable quotation for the Italian translation. The client thanked Nadia for her efficiency and for the value of her quotation, and thus the client gave his approval for the Italian translation to commence. 

Gina, the professional translator Nadia assigned to the Italian translation, set to work on the document. Gina’s experience of providing detailed translations of similar terms and conditions documents in the past allowed her to translate this document both quickly and accurately. When selecting translators to work on client documents, we always ensure to choose translators with relevant experience in the same field as the source text.

Gina soon returned the fully translated terms and conditions document to the client, who thanked her for her quick delivery. We look forward to working with this client again soon. 

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