Italian to English Translation of Screenplay

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Italian to English Translation of Screenplay

June 25, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

Italian to English translation requests are fairly common, especially from people in certain geographic locations such as New York and New Jersey. Some of our most popular Italian translation projects are for international markets, art galleries, fashion shows and business proposals.

Our most recent Italian to English translation request was for the translation of a screenplay. Our client is an up and coming movie producer who is originally from Italy and he needed his screenplay translated from his native language of Italian into English. It was a two hundred page screenplay and it took three of our best Italian translators to complete the translation project in about one week. Our client was very pleased with the quality of the translation and the turnaround time and he has already hired us for another translation project for a letter to his investors.  

Italian Translations

Because much of the American culture has Italian influences, the translators at Tomedes have become experts in Italian to English translation requests (and vice versa!). Depending on the complexity of the translation request, sometimes our translators can have translation projects signed, sealed and delivered within just a matter of hours. Business materials and business related translations are among the most common Italian translation requests we receive. 

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