An English translation of a Hebrew website article

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An English translation of a Hebrew website article

August 20, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

At Tomedes, we deal with business documents for large corporations as well personal items of interest for single individuals. Whatever the scope of the project, we always treat it with the same level of care as we would larger and more lucrative translations.

For example, we were contacted by a client who has a keen interest in international affairs, to the extent that they like to read some news items in their original language, via the help of a suitable qualified translator. Upon contacting us, our project manager explained that Tomedes would be happy to help, and attached a quotation for the project. The client was happy to see that the translation would be very affordable, and gave the go-ahead for the project to begin.

Our native-speaking translator lives in San Francisco, U.S., and has a background in Hebrew. Thanks to his linguistic expertise, he was able to translate the article quickly, and return it to the client within a very short space of time. The article was about 1000 words long, and was mostly composed of factual detail, interspersed with a few personal stories from eyewitnesses.   

The client gratefully received the completed article translation, and thanked our translator for his hard work. No doubt we'll be in contact again soon!

If you have a short article that you'd like translating too, please feel free to contact a member of team for a quick, hassle-free quote.

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