Top Technical Translation

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Top Technical Translation

February 05, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

Technical document translation is a service that Tomedes is often asked to undertake. When it comes to presenting scientific concepts and research in another language, it is essential that professional translation is used in order to correctly convey the information. Accuracy is absolutely essential!

Recently, a client based in Germany asked us to translate her technical papers into English. She was due to present the papers at a conference in the UK and wanted to have printed copies available to share with delegates. While her spoken English was good enough to deliver a presentation at the event, she wanted to ensure that the accompanying paper was grammatically perfect – and her written English was not quite up to the task. 

The Tomedes team was delighted to help. We have a bank of professional German translators on hand, including translators experienced in technical and academic translations. Our comprehensive translation service ensures that clients can benefit from skills matching in this way – so for this client’s translation we used a highly experienced technical translator. 
The client was keen to ensure that only a human translator worked on her papers, as she was not convinced that machine translation would do a good enough job. We wholeheartedly agreed! Tomedes only offers human translation, never machine translation. This is because humans are still beating machines when it comes to who can produce the best quality translations. 

Our German to English translator worked her way through the client’s documents in good time, producing a flawless English version that the client would be proud to present to her conference. 

Whatever your business need, Tomedes has experienced translators on hand to help. Our linguists are professionally trained and have a passion for language. They are ready and waiting to tackle your translation needs, so please contact us today to let us know how we can best support you. 

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