Professional German translation

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Professional German translation

August 09, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

A new corporate client recently approached Tomedes for a financial translation from German to English.  He had arranged a number of meetings with financial institutions as part of an upcoming business trip to England and wanted to ensure that his paperwork was in word-perfect English. 

The client specified that only human translation would do. That wasn’t a problem for Tomedes, as this is the only kind of translation that we provide – machine translation isn’t of a high enough standard to deliver the results that our clients expect and that we demand. 

Our translation company was quickly able to source the perfect German translator for this job. We have a network of more than 5,000 language professionals spread around the world, so we are confident that we can always find a translator with the appropriate linguistic ability and contextual experience for each and every translation that clients assign to us. 

When it comes to German translation, we have a number of expert translators to hand. For this job, we worked with our leading German financial translator. Her experience of translating financial documents on behalf of corporate clients was precisely what this job demanded. 

Translation cost was a key issue for this client and we were delighted to be able to translate his documents well within his budget, providing a top quality service at an extremely reasonable rate. 

As a result of our professional translation service, the client was able to attend his business meetings armed with flawlessly translated paperwork. This not only impressed those he was meeting with, but also gave him the added confidence of knowing that he was presenting himself and his business in the best possible manner. 

For all of your business translation needs, no matter how small or large, contact the helpful Tomedes professional translation team today. 

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