Flawless French Translation

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Flawless French Translation

July 26, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

Business translation can take many forms, as the translation team at Tomedes has discovered over the years. One form of business translation that requires specialist knowledge on behalf of the translator is scientific translation. Requests for scientific translation can come from a wide range of companies, from those that specialise in producing products such as cleaning agents, to those seeking to pioneer new, cleaner fuels in order to better protect our environment. 

Most recently, a company in France approached Tomedes for the French to English translation of the details of three of its products, including detailed lab testing results. The translation included a host of scientific terms and formulae, meaning that it required particular expertise on the part of the translator. 

Thankfully, with a network of more than 5,000 professional translators extending around the globe, finding the right person for the job didn’t pose a problem for our translation company

Our leading French to English scientific translator was available to get to work at once on the client’s documents. He liaised closely with the client to understand the purpose of the translation and its intended audience, in order to perfectly craft the translation to meet the client’s needs.  

The client was delighted at the level of attention to detail, as well as with the translation price that Tomedes had quoted. She was also thrilled by the quality of the translation we produced, along with the speed of the Tomedes service – her translated documents were with her within a week of her first contacting us. All in all, she was a happy customer! 

If you have a business document that needs translating, it’s time to speak to Tomedes. We have specialist translators for all manner of translation disciplines, so whatever your translation entails, we’ll have the right person available to work on it. 

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