French to English audio translation

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French to English audio translation

March 03, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

The key to outstanding quality audio translation is the initial transcription. That’s why Tomedes only works with experienced audio translators who are as exceptional at transcribing audio content as they are at translating it. 

Recently, we were able to put our audio translation expertise to good use when a client asked us to translate her audio file from French to English. We turned to our top French to English translator for help. 

Our policy is always to use native speakers of the target language (English, in this case) to undertake our translation work, as doing so results in far superior translations. In this case, that meant using one of our highly experienced audio transcriptionists and translators based in London. 

The client was in a hurry for her translation, so used our rush translation service in order to obtain her English translation in the minimum time possible. As such, we lost no time in transcribing the file and then converting it from French to flawless English. She was delighted with our rapid translation service and also with the high quality of the resulting copy (she could read English well enough to appreciate the accurate translation, even if her language skills weren’t quite up to translating the file herself). 

The translation cost was also a plus point – the client was delighted at the excellent value for money that the Tomedes service provided. At her request, we provided her with the original French transcription, as well as the translated English version, so that she had the written file available in both languages. 

If you too have an audio translation need, then Tomedes can help. Our transcriptionists and translators cover more than 90 languages between them and are standing by ready to help! Simply contact us via our online chat service, by phone or by email to find out more. 

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