Expert German Translation of a Security Product Brochure

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Expert German Translation of a Security Product Brochure

March 04, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

At Tomedes, we value our reputation as being one of the leading translation companies in the security sector. To this end, we’ve undertaken many jobs related to security document translation over the years. 

One of our regular clients from London, UK contacted us a short while ago, requesting a German translation of his security company’s product brochure. This client really values our quick, low-fee translation service, and we’re happy to help him with his translation needs whenever we can.

The client got back in touch with Nadia (one of our product managers) to ask for a quotation for his brochure, and he received a fast reply as usual. Nadia assured the client that our leading German translator would complete the security translation quickly, and was happy to present the client with a very competitive quotation for the translation.

The client approved the brochure translation, and thanked Nadia for her efficient service. 

Thanks to his experience of translating previous documents in the security sector, the German translator was able to work through the translation quickly and thoroughly. Technical terminology wasn’t a problem for our expert translator, and he soon returned the completed translation to the client’s inbox.

As he thanked Nadia and the German translator, the client mentioned that he’d be in touch again soon with some more documents for our professional team of translators. 

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