Estonian to English Technology Tender Translation

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Estonian to English Technology Tender Translation

December 26, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

Tomedes is often asked to translate tender documents and our most recent example was the translation of a technology tender from Estonian to English. Tender documents often require two sets of translation. Firstly, the tender documents need to be translated in order that the requirements can be understood. Secondly, the company’s response documents need to be translated to match the language of the issuing authority. 

In this case, our client needed the tender pack translated from Estonian to English in order that they could understand exactly what was required. We were happy to help and turned to one of our English team – a lady in the city of York who had previously worked for the business development team of a large company. This meant that she was familiar with tender documents, as well as being fluent in both Estonian and English. 

She quickly set to work, translating the six documents in the tender pack within just eight business days. Working this fast was essential, as the client needed the translated tender documents in order to decide whether or not he would be submitting a bid. 

With the translation completed on time and to a high standard, the client was able to continue with the tender process, all thanks to Tomedes’ fast and low cost service. 

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